Aktuelle Kampagnen

You can help FNPF by sponsoring a current campaign, or making a donation towards the general running of our organization.

If you are interested in supporting one or more of these projects send us an email at info@fnpf.org for more information.

Nusa Penida
Sponor the construction and installation of a Bali starling nestbox
Sponsor the care, rehabilitation and release of an endangered bird
Donate to our Meeresschildkröte monitoring and protection program
Give to our reforestation initiatives

Sponsor the reforestation of one hectare of orangutan habitat
Sponsor a cow

Further assistance
Fund a scholarship for an Indonesian student
Sponsor a conservation education camp for local Indonesian school students
Employ a local volunteer
Purchase a ute or truck to help carry out our projects on the island of Nusa Penida or a tractor for Kalimantan

All donations are greatly appreciated and can be channeled directly to the cause of your choice. Thank you for your support.

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