Kuer, kompost og truede fugler

Glad i å vite hvordan et halvt Bali ku kan redde en truet fugl?

photo credit James McKay

Vi ønsker å øke antall kyr på balinesisk øya Nusa Penida, hjemmet til vårBali Bird Sanctuary. The sanctuary, den eneste av sitt slag i Indonesia, provides a haven from poachers and wildlife traders where we rehabilitate and release ex-captive endemic birds, including the Bali starling, one of the world’s most endangered birds.

For de siste årene har vi brukt kyr Bali for å produsere høy kvalitet gjødsel for kompost, som i sin tur brukes til å ernære frøplanter i vår skogplanting barnehage. Disse spirene vil en dag bli plantet for å gjenopprette noen av Nusa Penida skoger, og disse trærne vil til slutt gi mat og husly for øyas fugler.

Using cow manure as compost is proving to be a great success, but we need more cows to keep this success going. We currently have two cows. One of our cows is pregnant for a second time, which gives us hope that this project can continue and grow for many years to come.

A donation of Rp 1,500,000 (approximately US$150) will buy half a cow. You can of course buy an entire cow instead. Anyone keen to make a contribution to this project can call Kirana on 0361 9777978 or email kiranagustina@gmail.com. If you can help us you will receive a special picture of your cow. You can also donate via our website.

En ekstra bonus med dette prosjektet er at kyrne også avlet og kalvene kan bli solgt for å gi ekstra inntekter til FNPF, to support our conservation projects on the Nusa Penida, and also to the farmers who have helped us raise them. We recently sold our first calf for Rp 4 million (US$400), with half the proceeds going to the farmer.

Please help us boost the cow population on Nusa Penida, which will help Indonesia’s native wildlifeincluding the Bali starling and Java sparrowto flourish and survive. Indonesia har verdens nest høyeste antall truede fugler.

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