Equitation pour Rangas 2013

MAY 23, 2013 — Amis de la Fondation National Park (FNPF) souhaitez envoyer un énorme merci à un grand groupe de cyclistes australiens qui ont récemment recueilli des milliers de dollars pour soutenir notre travail.

L' 11 les cyclistes ont fait équipe pour affronter un tour de financement 330 km de Canberra et à Sydney le week-end du mois de mai 18 et 19, 2013 – this is the fourth year the ‘Equitation pour Rangas’ fundraiser has been held. To date Riding for Rangas has collected many thousands of dollars which has gone towards helping us to save some of Indonesia’s threatened species including orangutans, les léopards nuage et l'emblème national de Bali, l'étourneau de Bali.

(Cette année,) nous montons progressivement vers notre objectif de l'équipe de $10,000 avec $3,604 récoltés à ce jour. The ride went very smoothly with very few mechanical problems and the weather was perfect apart from being freezing on Saturday,” says Geraldine Simmons from Artists For Conservation, who helped organize the event.

“Congratulations to all the Riding for Rangas team on a huge effort to make the distance from Canberra to Sydney and for raising those all- des fonds importants. Apportez sur Riding for Rangas 2014. «Les dons de toujours être fait en cliquant sur ici.

Il ya six ans, le United Nations Environment Program warned orangutans – which are an endangered species and are only found on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo – could lose almost all their tropical forest habitat by 2022 unless urgent action is taken to end rampant illegal logging.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says the numbers of Bornean orangutans have declined by more than half over the past 60 ans. They say this is due to human activities including mining, unsustainable and often illegal logging, and conversion of forests to agriculture. Most of the remaining Bornean orangutans are now found in Kalimantan, where FNPF operates projects sites at Mettre le parc national de Tanjung et Réserve faunique de la rivière Lamandau. Find out more about our work in Kalimantan with our funding partner Humane Society International (L'Australie).

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