Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF) has released the second Changeable Hawk Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) near the protected forest of Mt Batukaru.
The bird of prey was cared for at FNPF’s Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre (BWRC) in Tabanan for about four months before being released at Bengkel Anyar, Athan, Penebel village. The birds was confiscated by the Bali Bureau of the Department of Forestry’s Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA).
“I am very pleased that the Hawk Eagle release was successful. Basically, we learned about the release technique from the previous exercise which was done on 2 May 2013.” says FNPF’s Founder and CEO, Dr I.G.N. Bayu Wirayudha.
“This time the bird was not aggressive. On the second day the bird was able to catch a lizard from the ground as well as a bird. The hawk eagle moved away from the release area on the third day, which is a good indication of a successful reintroduction into the wild.” says Dr Wirayudha.
The FNPF team successfully released the bird after a special Hindu ceremony to offer it to the Gods and to get blessings before setting the bird free.
At the Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre in Tabanan, one of only seven such centers in Indonesia, vi bryr oss om, rehabilitere og innfødte truede arter, hvorav de fleste er ofre for ulovlig handel og krypskyting. The center is currently home to 50 truede primater og fugler, including gibbons, macaques and eagles – most of which have been kept as pets or for entertainment.
FNPF runs the centre with the funding and support from the Humane Society International (Australia). We would also like to say ‘thank you’ to Nagaloka foundation for covering the cost of the release. Thank you also for the kind support from Simon, Bali Bureau of the Department of Forestry’s Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), and all of FNPF’s staff.
The shrinking population of this predator is particularly attributable to the damage of its habitat, opportunistisk krypskyting, and illegal shooting both in Indonesia and in the Philippines, hvor det pleide å være rik.
FNPF receives no government funding and rely solely on the generous support of our donors and volunteers to continue our work. To make a donation visit our website at
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