Ridning for Rangas 2012

På weekend i marts 17 og 18, 2012, 11 Northern Beaches cyclists will be tackling a challenging course from Canberra to Sydney to raise funds for the Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF), en indonesisk ikke-for-profit bevarelse organisation community-baseret, der respekterer den gensidige afhængighed af dyreliv, levested og lokalsamfundet. I sit tredje år, den 330 km tur har rejst tusindvis af dollars til at hjælpe med at redde truede arter, herunder orangutanger, Cloud Leopard og Balis nationale emblem, Bali Stær. Skovrydning, ulovlig skovhugst og ukontrollable brande har stort set ødelagt meget af den orangutang habitat. Om 80% of their habitat has been destroyed over the past two decades. Mere end 3,000 orangutans are killed each year, and only, 40,000 orangutans remain in the wild. Friends of the National Parks Foundation has won numerous awards from AusAid, the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, and the Australian Consulate in Indonesia. It has been supported by the Humane Society International Australia since 2000.

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