Community and REDD Program
Kap der Guten Hoffnung (Borneo), Mai 2011 – International Wetland community involvement opportunities in the REDD program. This prompted interest in Tanjung Harapan village to submit a proposal of reforestation activities
On May 2011, a FNPF’s staff went to Bogor and Jakarta to obtain input on the plan of a book about reforestation. At the moment was also used to build networks with other NGOs such as WALHI, PALM, wetland, and BOS.
A meeting with Wetland International gave an information about REDD program which it opened an opportunity for community involvement actively. FNPF informed about the results of the meeting for villager in Tanjung Harapan. The community gave positive responds that was shown by their plans to form a farmer group to engage in the program activities.