Latas para el proyecto Niños que trabajan junto con FNPF

Los 'latas para Proyecto Niños – una iniciativa de recaudación de fondos y la proyección social Año 5 & 6 estudiantes de la Escuela Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza en Adelaide, Australia del Sur - proporciona fondos de microfinanciación para los niños de Bali en necesidad de la venta de botellas de plástico reciclables, cans and fruit boxes.

Students collect the containers, which are cleaned and sorted, before selling them to raise money for social-enterprise projects on and around Bali. The student’s latest campaign has funded the purchase of five goats loaned to families of schoolchildren on the island of Nusa Penida, off Balian Indonesian island group popular with generations Australian holidaymakers.

With support from Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF), the proceeds of ‘Cans for Kids Project’ paid for purchase and transport of the goats to Nusa Penida. The project has provided opportunity for five families who live on Nusa Penida to ‘borrow’ goats for two years. Any off spring born during the loan period can be kept by the family for breeding and sale.

After the loan period, the original goat is ‘returned’ and loaned to another family. The goat-loan-breeding program can help offset educational costs of children and also support the work of FNPF. The Cans For Kids Project is all about kids recycling to help kids in need.

See : Cans for Kids


Humans rarely talk of us, the humble, simple Goat

We’re seen by most on roads and paths and places quite remote

We graze in mountain pastures and bleat with pure delight

We’re going to help a family, fight their awful plight

Our task is very simple and of course we aim to please

Our mastersincome trebles as he sells our milk and cheese

He keeps the profits for his tribe, a better life now yields

We get treated handsomely, by living in lush fields

After a vacation, off we go once more

Assisting one more family, escaping from being poor

I urge more Goats to join this scheme, to see the children smile

To realise our diversity, to see it’s all worthwhile

Rhyme by Jerry Berry Roberts.

Jerry Roberts is a travelling poet, who pens popular rhymes of life’s wonders around the globe.

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