Foto FNPF relawan mendapatkan tempat dalam persaingan global

MUNGKIN 29, 2013 — A photo taken by one of our volunteers while working at our Bali Bird Sanctuary has been chosen from more than 1,000 entries as one of 25 finalists in competition run by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The photo was taken by UK resident Altaire Cambata who last year spent one week volunteering at our sanctuary on the island Nusa Penida.

Sanctuary kami, satu-satunya dari jenisnya di Indonesia, provides an haven in a country that has the world’s second-highest number of endangered birds. Within the sanctuary we rehabilitate and release ex-captive endemic birds.

We are also involved in reforestation, run community development projects, and are establishing a refuge for sea turtles on Nusa Penida. It is estimated the sanctuary is today home to more than 100 Jalak Bali, salah satu burung yang paling terancam punah di dunia.

Altaire’s Nusa Penida photo shows a mother and daughter making coconut oil in the village of Crystal Bay. They produce small batches of the oil to sell at the market.

“I personally feel that this photo highlights the critical importance of the conservation efforts and reforestation projects happening on Nusa Penida and their replication around the world. Forests are one of humanity’s greatest assets, and all those fighting to save them should have a voice,” she says.

The Nurture Forests for the Future – REDD+ for Food photo contest, was run by FAO as part of the UN-REDD Programme (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation). The contest called on photographers from around the world to capture images that showed how trees connect to food security and what does REDD+ look like. Lebih dari 1200 photos were submitted from 80 countries.

Altaire will return to Bali and FNPF in June to conduct research on how communities on Nusa Penida are adapting to climate change for her master thesis. Congratulations Altaire.

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