After the recent catastrophic fires which has destroyed tens of thousands hectares of forests in Borneo, causing the infamous South East Asian Haze , we are finally able to start the Borneo Replanting Project 2015. Thanks to the heavy rains in recent days, much of the fires are finally under control. There are still a number of hot spots in nearby forests, however, with enough rain we are confident that the worst is over. Tambahan, the rain also helps us to start the replanting projects.
For this project 5000 tree saplings have been prepared in our tree nursery. These will be planted at the areas destroyed by fire. We will start small, around 5 hectares every week. 400 trees will be planted in each hectare. Fortunately, we have received much needed funds from our donors. Tambahan, we received an enormous support from the local communities in the project sites. In each planting, setidaknya 120 people participated. They come from the local schools, LSM lokal, and even local tour guides association.
Various kinds of plant will be planted. These types of plant are chosen for their adaptability in the area and their benefits for the local community. In Beguruh, Jerumbun, and Padang Sembilan sites, we will plant Nyatoh (Palaquium sp.), Ubar Samak (Syzigium sp.), Pelawan (Tristania sp.), Balengaran (Shorea balangeran), Papung (Sandoricum sp.), Sundi (Payena leerii), Aru (Hibiscus sp.), Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri).
What We Have Lost
With the smoke finally clearing we were able to calculate our loss. The number is pretty depressing. In Beguruh we lost 90 hectares worth of young forest. Setidaknya 36,000 trees that we have planted over 5 year were lost. In Jerumbun, we lost 56 hectares of forest. Meanwhile in Padang Sembilan 46,800 trees were destroyed inside the 117-hectare forest.
This project will not be possible without the constant support from:
1. HSI (Human Society International) Australia – Who supports most of our activities in Central Borneo, Pusat Penyelamatan Satwa Bali, and Nusa Penida Bali Bird Sanctuary since the early days
2. The Boeing Company – Who supports our integrated reforestation work in Central Borneo.
3. Our donors – Dyonisius, Lisa, Carine, Sharon, Mary, David, Daniel, Anita, Dan, Kamioki, Sharan, Farquhar, Doerte, Cerita, Kabryn, Benjamin, Jogja Pop Punk Forum.
4. Kumai High School.
5. Pangkalan Bun High School.
6. Local Villagers of Beguruh, Jerumbun, and Padang Sembilan.
7. Local Guides Association and Other NGOs.