Ambil kuas cat dan sapu dan membantu kami keluar – Sesi II

We need your help!

Volunteers are urgently needed to help with a special maintenance project at our wildlife rescue center in Tabanan, Bali. We need volunteers between 15 January and 15 February 2014.

Grab your paint brush and help us do special maintenance at our Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre.

The center is one of only seven such centers in Indonesia, where we care for and rehabilitate native endangered wildlife, most of which are the victims of illegal trading and poaching.

If you live in Bali and just want to come and help out, there is no cost – just drop us a line at If you are a visitor to Bali want to stay at our rescue center while you are involved in this short term project we have a special reduced rate. We can accommodate up to three people in one time.

You do not need special skills just willingness to help.

Do good today!

Please help us by sharing this post with your networks and friends.

Thank you.

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